Staff appraisals (2025) - 8 hrs cpd
This short CPD article helps you to under stand yuour legal obligations to carry out staff approaisals, and how to record the necessary information
Supporting bird of prey professionals since 2015
This short CPD article helps you to under stand yuour legal obligations to carry out staff approaisals, and how to record the necessary information
Use this short course to record any CPD activities you have completed outside the IRBPP system. These might include attending events and physical training courses. Read more about what you can include here
This short course is designed to guide bird of prey professionals through the process of meeting their annual Continuing Professional Development (CPD) target of 30 hours. Aimed at IRBPP members, this course provides essential information on why CPD is important, how easy it is to complete CPD hours, and how to use the IRBPP system.
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Use this short course to record any CPD activities you have completed outside the IRBPP system. These might include attending events and physical training courses. Read more about what you can include here