Falconry: past and present

In a fascinating article Quarter 2 sees the publication of an article on the historical background to modern falconry by Emma Raphael. Emma is a self-employed professional falconer of 28 years standing. She is a specialist historic interpreter and recreator for the arts, culture, and heritage sector, and IRBPP corporate member. Together with husband Michael, Emma runs ‘Raphael Historic Falconry’ and is known to many in the professional bird of prey world.

Looking back from pre-roman times to the present Emma reveals how falconry gradually declined over almost two millennia, but received an unexpected boost from the outbreak of war in the 20th Century that led to it’s modern revival and present popularity.

There are falconers out there who believe that the past has nothing to teach us, but as Churchill said “The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.

The article will be available from April 1st to IRBPP subscribers as a short ‘armchair CPD activity’ and will be recorded in your personal online record of achievement and continuing professional development.

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