New Quarter – new resources

One of the main ways in which the IRBPP supports bird of prey professionals is by simplifying the process of personal development.

Continuing Personal Development (CPD) is now a key legal obligation for AAL Licence holders and their staff, and also applies to zoo licence holders as well as many other professionals who come into contact with birds of prey in any professional capacity.

As we start the 3rd quarter of 2023 ask your self this simple question:

” If asked today, could I produce documentary evidence of my personal CPD activities over the last 12 months?

We know from conversations with the training team responsible for educating the AAL Inspectors that proof of your competence to do the job, and documentary evidence of your training and development should be part of every inspection / re-inspection.

Claims like ‘I’ve been doing this for 30years – I don’t need to prove anything’ will not satisfy the need for documentary evidence.

How does the IRBPP help?

  • Each quarter we make a number of activities / publications available for free on the web site. (you need a free account to log in to these).
  • These are simple easy to consume activities that you can undertake from your armchair.
  • We provide explanatory articles that describe in detail your licence obligations and help you to get started
  • We provide at least 7.5 hours of easy cpd activities each quarter (you should be recording 30 hours per annum)
  • If you upgrade to full subscriber status we will keep a permanent long-term record of your activities for you. This can easily be accessed on your phone on demand.

If you haven’t already done so, then start making your life easier now with a free, or subscriber account from the IRBPP.

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